Monday, May 18, 2009

Learning as you go...

As Im getting more into selling Avon Im learning that many of the suggestions that are given to you really work. For example, yesterday I met with a new customer who placed a big order partly from my suggestions. I encourage all reps to really learn each brochure and make suggestions. I suggested the customer take advantage of this campaigns SSS deal for light and lush as well as the rare pearls sale and she purchased both along with other things. If I hadn't looked through the brochure and caught up on some of the deals I might've had a pretty small order (she was only looking to purchase deodorant). So, again, learn each catalog and suggest some of the deals. They really are a great bargain and the worst thing they can say is no...

Friday, May 1, 2009

Lessons in Selling

I wanted to share this little tidbit that happened to me yesterday. My best friends mom works on the same project I do and, consequently, works within walking distance of me. She was visiting our office and stopped by to say hello. In the middle of our conversation my avon brochures (hanging up in my cube) caught her eye and she inquired. Turns out, she's been looking for an Avon rep since moving out to Indiana and she is a very good purchaser! I say this to say you never know who a potential customer can be until you put yourself out there. I was too afraid to promote myself when, if I had, I could've gotten a major purchase last campaign! LOSE THE SHYNESS! Approach people and put yourself out there so people will know. The worst thing they can say is no...